What if I told you that you can improve the handling of your motorcycle very easily?

It seems like a difficult promise to keep but I assure you that you may be amazed

Discover the solution to improve the riding of your motorcycle and solve the problems that plague most motorcyclists

If you are a motorcyclist I am sure that these lines you will read will be among the best tips you will find online to improve the riding of your motorcycle.

We agree that it will not be a big secret, but I want to reveal the 5 main problems that afflict many motorcyclists and with great probability 1 of these might sound familiar ...

The 5 main problems are:

- excessive vibrations

- irritation and pain in wrists and back

- not very dynamic driving, narrow handlebars, little feeling with the front wheel

- lack of confidence when leaning

- rusty, twisted, old, ugly and heavy handlebars

You can't even imagine how many motorcyclists write to us every day asking for a hand to solve their driving problems and looking for a definitive solution.

Most of the time, let's say 99%, the problems fall within these 5 that I listed earlier.

It is natural that if you have dropped your bike and you have twisted the handlebar, in this case you have no doubts, the handlebar needs to be changed because you cannot turn with the handlebar bent.

The same applies if you have a handlebar that is old and rusty, no one would ride with an old and worn handlebar.

But I understand well that for other situations you may be skeptical, you may wonder how a dumbbell can do all this for you. 

In fact, the question that many are asking is:

"How can the bike and my riding improve by changing the handlebars?"

Well, if you want to find out and you are determined to improve the riding of your bike and the riding position let me take you on this fantastic journey of a few lines to show you how you can improve your riding, the position in the saddle and the comfort and last but not least the aesthetics of your bike.

fold more in motion

Reduce vibrations and improve driving comfort: YES it is possible

I would like to start from the concern most suffered by many motorcyclists, that is  PAIN IN THE WRIST .

If you are tired of having pain or discomfort in your wrists, of feeling a sore back or even just not finding a comfortable position when riding the bike, there is a solution to this problem.

The solution is called: SRT Factory

handlebar Our handlebar is in fact produced with a special 7000 aluminum alloy  , which has the ability to absorb most of the vibrations transmitted to the hands, reducing them by up to 25% allowing to cushion the vibrations transmitted to the handlebar and consequently to your hands.

In itself, this helps you reduce tingling and relieve pain caused by vibrations and I would say that it is already a great result.

In fact, usually the handlebars you find on motorcycles are made of iron or aicciao, a material that tends to transfer many vibrations.

The SRT handlebars, on the other hand, are made with a revolutionary and unique cold bending production system, which combined with the particular alloy we use, the 7075 (the most resistant and expensive that exists), allows to absorb almost all vibrations compared to the original handlebar.

I warn you, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, in addition to the patented cold bending system with which we produce our handlebars and the 7075 alloy, the SRT handlebars are distinguished in practice by the type of bends.

Studied taking the original handlebars of the main naked on the market as a starting point and modifying them according to our specifications, after numerous tests and over 10 years of experience dedicated to the production of motorcycle handlebars.

These tricks give you the great advantage of riding in a better, more comfortable and more functional position, something that you will never get with the original handlebar or with other handlebars on the market.

Do you think everyone does for you what SRT does with dumbbells?

Luckily for us nobody else does it, they don't even have a clue what it does.

The sad reality that is never told to you is that the  dumbbells that you find on the market, even of famous brands, are simple and cheap dumbbells that are bought in China and then branded to give them "value" and be able to sell them at a high price in Europe.

The SRT handlebars, on the other hand, are made according to our specific shapes and sizes to improve your riding on the bike. 

We were able to obtain these exceptional results only in the face of sarifici, after numerous tests, comparisons with standard handlebars, assembly and driving tests.

And if now you are wondering which is the most suitable handlebar for your bike, we can give you the answer with certainty, because we have built step by step in over 10 years, a compatibility database that no one else has ever created.

I would like to remind you that these lines you are reading are not just words to show you how phenomenal SRT handlebars are, but we are showing you how our handlebars are different than any other handlebar you can find on the market.

This is because no other company has dedicated the time and attention we have dedicated to motorcycle handlebars.

For this reason, in addition to our promises of a better ride combined with a comfort that you had never experienced before mounting the SRT handlebar, we wanted to show you some testimonies of other riders like you, who left after trying an SRT handlebar.

See for example what this rider says about SRT Factory handlebars ...

With the patented folds that improve the riding position making it more comfortable and the vibration reduction the SRT handlebar has already helped so many riders, you could be next.


Are you looking for a more dynamic guide? Here's what we can do for you.

If you have read the first part you already know that the SRT handlebar helps you to improve the driving position, but we have thought not only about the comfort but also the fun, the driving sensations.

Tell me why you should have a motorcycle if you don't like driving pleasure and the wind on your face :)?!?

If you love to ride, the SRT Factory handlebar will be the best gift you can give to your bike (and yourself).

If you are willing to take a step that will improve the handling and dynamics of your bike, allowing you to manage the controls more easily and making you much more sensitive to the reactions of your two-wheeled beast then you should make yours the SRT handlebar, a real concentrate. of technology.

As you will have understood, in the last 10 years, we have done nothing but work day and night on our handlebars to improve your life and that of other motorcyclists, succeeding in the enterprise with excellent results, do not worry, we will do the same in the next 10 years.

In this period of time, however, a worrying situation has emerged, we have noticed that the original handlebars of motorcycles in recent years are increasingly cheaper, made with absurd folds, increasingly tapered, increasingly short and closed.

In this way, driving the motorcycles is less agile, less intuitive, less simple and more uncomfortable.

But why limit the bike because of a bad handlebar when you could have a great handlebar?

With the SRT handlebar you will be able to improve the handling of your motorcycle in a simple and fast way.

You take off your current handlebar, mount an SRT handlebar and your ride, believe it or not, will change dramatically.

Your bike will become easier to ride but above all more fun and more intuitive. A real dream that you can realize with the SRT handlebar.

Ok, I already know, it's a classic .... between you and you you are already wondering: "Why should the houses have an awkward, ugly handlebar that makes the bike bad to ride?"

It's a legitimate question, I agree.

If you ask yourself this question, also ask yourself why you can't find a Brembo radial master cylinder on your bike!

Or ask yourself why you mount "rubber" brake hoses as standard, or even why you don't have carbon rims ...

These are also legitimate questions.

We all agree that carbon rims, for example, would be lighter, they would make the bike more agile, more manageable, faster when changing direction, they would consume less fuel, pollute less ...

If you think it is a safety problem or wrong homologations, today everything is made in carbon, even the frames of motorcycles and homologated cars.

So why have the houses decided to mount cast aluminum rims, which are more heavy and slow down the bike?

The answer is for the same reason they chose the damn original handlebar,  because it's cheap .

That's right, the original handlebar is chosen for low cost, not for comfort, not for aesthetics, not to make driving more dynamic.

Those who build handlebars for motorcycle manufacturers do not perform any type of tests, bend the tubes according to a technical drawing without knowing where that product they are making will be mounted.

Thus a series handlebar is created. And it is for this reason that many motorcyclists rely on us to improve the handling of their motorcycles.

Changing the handlebars is essential to finally have a better ride, fully enjoying the bike!

Try to ride in the pits of any motorcycle championship, I challenge you to find a single bike that is equipped with standard handlebars.

On the other hand try to do this thought, if you wanted a better braking you would go for example to change the master cylinder by mounting a Brembo radial, or you would change pads or discs.

In short, you would replace an original component, taking a better one with superior performance.

The same goes for your naked by changing the original handlebar with an SRT.

Yes ok, I know that your bike already drives well as it is, but why not enhance this discreet ride by getting the most out of it?

Why settle for a simple: "it drives well", when you could get a: "it's another bike, now it drives amazingly".

And this result can only be achieved with an SRT Factory handlebar


But which model to choose? There are many, I guess you want to know which is the most suitable for your bike.

I wanted to give you a very brief summary to explain to you the correct logic to choose the SRT Factory handlebar suitable for improving the riding of your bike.

Our 3 folds studied and patented specifically for the most popular motorcycles on the market are divided into:

- low


handlebar - medium fold handlebar - high fold handlebar

The  SRT Factory low fold handlebar  is designed to make riding the naked more sporty, with torso more loaded and inclined forward than the original handlebar. With the SRT low handlebar you will have a sporty handlebar and you will load the front end more, if you are looking for sportiness this is the perfect handlebar for you.

The  SRT handlebar leans medium is a handlebar that guarantees a posture similar to the original handlebar of Japanese naked, improving comfort compared to the standard handlebar and allowing you to have a less stressful position for the wrists and arms. 

At the same time you will have a more dynamic ride making the bike maneuverable and more agile, easier to ride and at the same time improving the aesthetic aspect.

The  high-fold SRT handlebar, on the  other hand, was created for off-road motorcycles and "enduro" motorbikes, Africa Twin, Transalp, Tenerè etc. style. ideal for having a comfortable handlebar but suitable for riding on that type of motorcycle. Allowing you to have a straight saddle position with high arms, also ideal when it comes to riding standing on the footpegs.

This is the basic logic for choosing the SRT handlebar, but if you have any doubts I advise you to contact us, the advantage of owning an SRT handlebar is also in the assistance that will amaze you with its efficiency.

But be careful, these tips only apply to SRT handlebars

Yes, why not think that the folds are all the same. In fact, the handlebars are three-dimensional objects.

The variables are infinite and in all probability there are no 2 identical handlebars (with the same shape and size) so don't be fooled by the name, the SRT low bend (for example) is not the same low bend handlebar of another brand, consequently You will NEVER get the same results.

Especially if what you are comparing is a handlebar made in China, then avoid it like the plague, in addition to changing the size, change the product.

The SRT handlebar is in fact made with the use of ergal 7075 aluminum alloy which makes it light, sturdy and safe! Taking the risk by buying a Chinese handlebar is really a big gamble that only a madman would make.

The handlebar is a structural element of the bike, it is not a question of 4 arrows or a mirror, here we are talking about the fundamental components of the bike.

Remember, only SRT handlebars have been designed to help you improve your dynamics and riding position and while doing so you are guaranteed to have a safe product on your bike.

Only the SRT Factory handlebars can help you solve and definitively improve the riding of your naked in a safe way.

Still don't believe it?

Well, in addition to telling you that only by trying the SRT handlebar you will be able to fully understand how the handling of your bike will change and how you will finally be able to ride better, in a more sporty and precise way,

I wanted to put you below two more of the many (and believe me, they are really a lot) reviews of motorcyclists who are enjoying their bike today with the new handlebars

light handlebarhandlebar mt07

You too could be the next rider to write these reviews, to have a more dynamic ride, more precision cornering, better control.

And on top of all this you would also have a more beautiful bike!


Since you are at it, why not improve the aesthetics of your bike with a nice ergal handlebar?

That's right, the appearance of the bike is important, indeed many times it is fundamental.

You may not be aware of it, but market research has shown that around 80% of motorcyclists choose their bikes because they love its lines.

In fact, many fall in love with the sinuous shapes and details and decide to buy the bike of their dreams!

There is nothing to do, when a motorcycle kidnaps you you can no longer get it out of your head, it happened to everyone, I'm almost sure it happened to you too;)

So why not further improve its aesthetics with an SRT handlebar?

Did you know that all SRT handlebars are finished with bright colors and a "metallic" effect (a special treatment called  anodizing ); the range of colors is the widest on the market, available in 7 shades to satisfy, for example, those looking for kawasaki green or orange handlebars for KTM or other orange motorcycles.

In fact, anodizing, compared to painting, which is the typical treatment of second-rate cheap handlebars, does not discolour over time.

As a result, the SRT handlebars will always remain beautiful and shiny for many years, not suffering the signs of aging and making your bike always beautiful.

Whether you have a rusty, bent, cracked, bent or made in China handlebar, but even if your handlebar is the new one, swapping it for an SRT Factory will ensure you have the coolest bike of all those that have ugly, nondescript handlebars. original.

Time does not forgive and the handlebars exposed to sunlight tend to discolour; but the SRT handlebars have a longer duration, this is because we carry out an anodizing treatment defined as "hard", much more expensive but allows to extend their life up to 3 times longer than other handlebars on the market.

When you mount an SRT handlebar it will last you several years before losing its color!

Why do we say that our products last up to 3 times longer than those of the competition?

Because we have tested it and we have received confirmation from the riders who have tried our components, as this biker wrote to us, who after 6 years (the testimony is from 2018) congratulated us on our accessories.


By now you will have understood it, our mission is to improve the motorcycles of motorcyclists like you, helping them to solve the driving problems of their motorcycles, improving the position on the saddle and also improving the aesthetics of their motorcycles.

That's why SRT handlebars are made taking into account all the details that make them the best handlebars ever and make you a happy owner of the SRT Factory handlebar.

You will finally be able to transform your bike into a beautiful bike by making all your friends jealous who see your brand new handlebar!

And it is also for this reason that the colors and the anodizing treatment we carry out, despite being very expensive, allow us to significantly improve the final effect of the handlebar, obtaining a modern and valuable look.

We will only be happy when you will be amazed upon receiving YOUR new SRT handlebar directly at home.

handlebar color




Maybe you never thought that ...

Who promises you a quality product at a low price ... is actually cheating you!

It sounds like a strong statement, I know, but try to think, how can a quality product be cheap? 

If you give more you are forced to ask for more, it is natural and logical because those who offer more are actually spending more!

Think about it for a moment and make two calculations that you may never have done before.

Imagine finding for sale a handlebar offered for 30 euros including shipping, it happens often.

You will think it's great, only 30 euros and free shipping for a motorcycle handlebar (maybe even a famous brand)!

Not bad at first glance, but ...

If we stop and do the math, in practice on this handlebar you are paying 30 euros there are 8 euros for shipping and 6 euros for VAT.

But it doesn't end there, from these € 14 you still subtract the retailer's earnings, the wholesaler's earnings or the company that passes it off as his own and probably the earnings of the Chinese who actually produced it.

Of the € 16 remaining (30-8-6 = 16), we consider the retailer's average earnings, which is at least € 3 or € 4, which is equivalent to about 10/15% of the selling price.

Now that we have done the math in our pockets, we all know that that handlebar definitely costs less than 12 euros (16-4 = 12).

Because we have not yet counted the cost of the material, the wholesaler's earnings, the costs of packaging, taxes and so on.

But how can a handlebar for less than 12 euros be of quality?!?

It is absurd if you think that a whole handlebar made in China costs as much as the surface treatment of SRT handlebars!

And I'll tell you more. Most of the handlebars that spin online or that you find in motorcycle shops are very low quality handlebars.

Wondering how we can know?

The answer is very simple! At least 2 or 3 times a month we receive offers from China from companies that make dumbbells and offer us to buy for only ... 4 dollars!

Yes, you read that right! 4 dollars.

Your safety and your motorcycle are worth $ 4 to the Chinese and many dealers.

And I am sure that these emails are not the only ones to receive them.

Imagine now a dealer who earns 3/4 € on a handlebar that sells for 30 euros, if he bought it directly from China he could earn much much more, and who would not?

How many clones and counterfeit products do you find online? There are tons of fake Brembo and Akrapovic on the web and in stores.

Do you want to risk getting ripped off even with a handlebar?

I would just like to give you a parameter to make you understand at what level we have arrived.

Our box for packing the handlebar, specially made to protect it during transport, so that it arrives at your home without scratches and marks, complete with bubble wrap (the bag with the balls filled with air to avoid damage), completely recyclable, has a cost of € 2.50.

In practice, the Chinese handlebar is probably similar to the cardboard of our boxes since it has a similar cost.

So the question arises, how can a higher quality handlebar than the others be offered at a lower price?

Quality has a cost and we at SRT don't want to give it up, if the other products are superior to SRT handlebars then they CANNOT cost less!

If you also do not want to compromise on quality then you are not wrong with SRT handlebars.

But alternatively, don't complain if you are always disappointed after your purchases, if the handlebar you bought did not help you with the riding of your motorcycle, if you still have a lot of vibrations, if you have a hideous handlebar that will discolour in a few months.

I'm sorry to be so "brutal" but if you pretend to pay a little it is simple, YOU WILL GET LITTLE.

Buying an SRT Factory handlebar, you can only be satisfied for 3 simple reasons:




Remember that words like

"value for money" or "best quality at the lowest price" are just the beginning of problems.

You pay for quality! There are no shortcuts or magic formulas

For over 10 years SRT Factory has specialized in the production of ergal handlebars for motorcycles, and that is why when you buy an SRT handlebar you are buying: -

 reliability and experience

- a handlebar designed to improve the handling of your motorcycle

- a handlebar that improves the comfort of your motorcycle

- a handlebar that improves the aesthetics of your motorcycle

- impeccable customer service

- a guarantee of a product that will improve your motorcycle in 360 °

Of course,  we could also save on materials by  buying less resistant aluminum but cheaper, we could  not have our handlebars approved.

We could have chosen  a cheaper and less durable anodizing with less bright and beautiful colors, we could not brush the handlebars leaving the processing marks like on many aftermarket handlebars.

Or maybe we first bought the handlebar directly from China for 4 dollars and then sold it to you for 30/35 euros like the others do!

But we decided to go a different way, we decided to make the best handlebars that exist to help you solve the driving problems of your bike!

To permanently improve YOUR BIKE.

You know the movie  Kill Bill , if you got to see it you will remember how everyone was desperately looking for Hattori Hanzō's light swords?

In fact, his swords were the best in the world, produced in very limited quantities, they were a rare and sought-after commodity. 

Owning a sword of Hattori Hanzō was a great honor that belonged to a select few.

It seems superfluous to say that consequently they were also the most expensive swords in the world!

Yep, that's right, Hattori Hanzō didn't promise the best value for money ...

best handlebar

It's time to enjoy an SRT Factory handlebar

We could write for hours and hours about SRT handlebars and why they are suitable to improve your riding and your bike, why you should be a lucky owner and start riding the bike in a smoother, more fun, more dynamic way thanks to these. beautiful dumbbells.

But an important part would always be missing, I am referring to the emotional part.

In fact, you will never fully understand the benefits that riding your bike can achieve until you ride it with the SRT factory handlebar.

Only by trying it you will be able to fully enjoy the improvements you have read before, you will be able to solve, as thousands of motorcyclists before you have already solved, the driving problems by improving the aesthetics of your bike by mounting the best handlebar you can ever have.

Your bike can be so much better than it is now! It can be more beautiful and more fun.

If you do not find the right feeling with the bike, most of the time it takes very little to solve the problem and improve the ride, the position on the saddle and the comfort.

Get a double result, you improve the ride, make your bike more beautiful.

To get a factory SRT handlebar, just click the button below and choose the one that suits YOU 


Buying is simple, fast and safe thanks to the paypal payment that protects you and the guarantees, such as FREE RETURNS and the feedback of other motorcyclists who have already improved their bikes before you.

Only the SRT Factory handlebar is the solution you were looking for to improve riding.