Protect your new SRT factory handlebars from damage caused by falls
Accidental falls are always an unexpected event to be evaluated, and often if not always, the first impact occurs on the handlebars.
Especially in the event of falls with the motorbike stationary, where no damage is found other than to the handlebars and some other secondary accessories.
For this reason we give you the possibility to protect your new handlebar from unwanted and unexpected events that can happen.
Instead of buying a new handlebar, protect it with the Zero Worries Handlebar formula .
It's very simple, by purchasing this package within a maximum of 3 days from the date of purchase of the handlebar (after this period it will no longer be possible to access Manubrio Zero Pensieri) you can protect your handlebar from:
If your bike falls off the stand, or for any reason you put it down on the ground, the handlebars take a hit and you are not sure if the handlebars are straight because of a blow it has taken, with the Zero Caress Handlebar formula you will receive a new, immaculate and perfect handlebar at your home to replace your SRT handlebars.
You will not have to pay any other costs, the only thing we ask is a photo of the old bent/damaged SRT handlebars.
Customers who request the Zero Thoughts Handlebar formula often ask us if it has an expiration date.
Once you have registered your data and activated Manubrio Zero Pensieri you can use it for 2 years, after which you can reactivate Manubrio Zero Pensieri if you wish.
So if you happen to slip you can request a new handlebar to replace your bent one.
Furthermore, the Zero Pensieri Handlebar formula runs out before 2 years if you use it during this period to receive the new replacement handlebar, at which point if you want to renew it you will have to pay again for another 2 years.
Simple, clear and without constraints.
If you need advice or need more information; you can contact us directly by filling out this form below, we are here to help you..
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